May 5, 2014 Spoke to class at Towson University
January 18, 2012 Spoke at RCI Life for Lifers Awards Ceremony.
January 20, 2011 Spoke at a Banquet at RCI.
February 7, 2011 we appeared on the Dan Roderick radio program (WYPR) along with former Delegate Clarence (Tiger) Davis; with Tracy Velazquez, Executive Director, Justice Policy Institute on conference call to discuss our work and pending legislation.
April 4, 2011 JPI, MRJI along with former Delegate Davis appeared on the Marc Steiner radio program WEAA to discuss SB-172 & HB-302. In April 2011 HB-302, the companion bill to SB-172 finally passed with amendments’ giving any setting Governor 180 days to either deny, approve, or take no action, in a parole recommendation, in which case the parole decision becomes effective.
May 2011 spoke at a lifer’s meeting at MCI-
June 10, 2011 Spoke at Lifers meeting MCI-J
June 25, 2011 spoke at the Islamic Community hosted by Earl Alamin, and Dr. Water Gill.
July 8, 2011 spoke to an AVP graduation at JCI
August 11, 2011 Spoke to I-WISH group MCI-W
October 11, 2011 spoke at a ‘Life Skill’s youth program session, hosted by Adrian Muldrow of Divine Minds..
October 14, 2011 spoke to lifers group MCI-J
October19, 2011 spoke to Lifers group at RCI
Spoke at Coppin State University youth group Mentoring Male Teens 9/25/10
December 3, 2010: Spoke at MCI-H Lifers group
Power Point presentation at Phase III, MRJI, January 10, 2009
Spoke at John Hopkins Panel Discussion, Police training, Colonel John Skinner, Chief of Patrol, Baltimore City Police Department. January 27, 2009
Spoke at Hyattsville Library, Outside Connections, Prisoners Awareness Day, March 17, 2009
Spoke at Annapolis Rally for SB-900 March 23, 2009
Testified at SB-900 hearing March 25, 2009
Spoke at Coppin State University’s Annual Criminal Justice Symposium April 9, 2009
Appeared on Radio One, Mecca’s Place two way talk program April 17, 2009
Spoke at Liberty Rec. Center for ‘To Reach Back,” for Mary Brown-Bey, May 9, 2009
Met with Secretary of Public Safety Gary Maynard, and OSI May 13, 2009
Spoke at OSI Luncheon with George Soros May 18, 2009.
Key Note Speaker at MCI-H Lifer's group in Hagerstown, Maryland August 5, 2009
Spoke at Baltimore Music Festival August 8th 2009
Spoke at Sojourner Douglas Social Work class September 30, 2009
Spoke at 8th Annual National Prisoner Reentry Conference, October 15, 2009
Spoke at Life for Lifer’s group RCI Hagerstown October 29, 2009
Split this Rock Festival, Writing down the Walls, Washington DC March 21, 2008
Spoke at ‘The Coffee Shop’, Regeneration 5th Program, April 7, 2008
Spoke at Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative Phase I May 14, 2008
Spoke at Justice or Just Us forum Providence RI, May 17, 2008
WYPR Radio interview with Dan Rodricks May 19, 2008
WYPR Radio interview with Dan Rodrick June 12, 2008
Spoke at C2A (A Call to Action) June 15, 2008
Spoke at Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative Phase II September 20, 2008
Spoke at OSI forum on prison reform along with Dr. James Austin, President of JFA Institute, November 13, 2008
Spoke at press conference in Annapolis to abolish the death penalty (January 25, 2007)
Was to speak at Eager Street Academy to Juvenal’s who had been waved into the adult criminal justice system. (February 16, 2007) Event was canceled because of a show storm, and had to be rescheduled.
Spoke at Grace Memorial Baptist Church rally to abolish the death penalty. May 2007
Spoke at Maryland Institute College of Art, (Brown Center) rally to free a political prisoner. (February 24, 2007)
Spoke at P.G. County Community College, panel discussion on the death penalty March 14, 2007
Spoke at Benjamin Banneker Community center in Catonsville at meeting with Presidents from Maryland NAACP chapters, death penalty issue March 17, 2007
Spoke at Towson State University presentation on my writings, and life story in general April 10, 2007
Spoke at Senators Lisa Gladdens fund raiser in Mount Washington May 16, 2007
Spoke at Nassau Presbyterian Church, (Presbyterian Church U.S.A) 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey, May 19th 2007.
Spoke at panel discussion. Issues: Death penalty, Drug policies, Murder rate, and Prison conditions. St John’s United Methodist Church, 2640 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. June 6, 2007
Was Keynote Speaker at Eager Street Academy, School #370. The presentation was to Juveniles who have been waived into the criminal adult justice system. June 8, 2007
Received letter of appreciation from Dr. James Scofield, Principal at Eager Street Academy School #370 for June 8, 07 motivational speech, at the Academy. June 14, 2007, at their end of year banquet at the Forum off Reisterstown Road.
Spoke at rally for Zero Murder Rate sponsored by Solvivaz Nation, at Greenmount Ave. square across from Greenmount Ave. Rec. Center. June 30, 2007
Spoke at Sojourner Douglass College ( Annapolis branch, Carl Snowden’s class) August 8, 2007 concerning the Prison system and racism in America.
Appeared at Center Stage, Stoop storytelling Series, September 24, 2007. Seven people get seven minutes to tell a story. My story dealt with the transformation of the mind.
Spoke at Kenwood High School, Essex Maryland October 3, 2007.
Presentation at the American Friends Service Committee on prison life in Philadelphia Pa. December 14, 2007
Spoke at Parkville church on Death penalty November 17, 2007
Presentation at Eager Street Academy to juveniles waved into the criminal adult justice system. Topics: Responsibility, Goals, Habilitation, Jails, Gangs, Education, and Black on Black crime. November 30, 2007.
Spoke at Enon Baptist Church for the 23rd annual concert of ‘Equinox at Winter.’ December 15, 2007