Featured Blog on Audacious Ideas
See our Parole Reform post at the Open Society Institute's Audacious Ideas Blog! We're happy the dialog has been initiated on this important subject. Please visit the blog and add your comments. Include your ideas on how we can improve on the work.
Mandala Enterprise Corporation was formed and incorporated in 1984 by Walter Lomax, and revived in 2009 by a group of students and professors at American University.
Clarinda Harriss, President Pro Tem, is a professor emerita of Towson University, where she chaired the English Department for a decade and taught a full forty years. For an equal number of years, she has worked with prison writers. The publishing company she directs--BrickHouse Books, Inc., Maryland's oldest independent literary press--has brought out books by former MHC residents including Walter Lomax, John Mingo, and Baari Shabazz. She also works with female inmates or former inmates nationally. A widely published writer of poetry and short fiction, her most recent collections of poetry are AIR TRAVEL, MORTMAIN, and DIRTY BLUE VOICE.
Laurie Bezold (aka Polly Riddims) is currently the Managing Partner of Fusion Partnerships, Inc, a nonprofit organization in Baltimore. In that position, she oversees all program, financial, and administrative functions. Fusion provides incubation and fiscal sponsorship services to over forty grassroots community based projects and programs working for social justice in Baltimore. Laurie brings over 15 years of community organizing, facilitation, administrative and program management experience with social change organizations. She has worked with community leaders and organizations on fundraising, conference organizing, program implementation, client development, marketing, project management, community outreach, project facilitation, and event planning. She has helped to design and facilitate a variety of educational programs on racial equity, white privilege, diversity and community building.
Her community involvement includes serving on the following Boards and Committees:
- Executive Committee – American Friends Service Committee – Mid Atlantic Region, Peace with Justice Program
- Member – Grassroots Criminal Justice Advocacy Network
- Facilitator – Fetzer Campaign for Love and Forgiveness
The Weinberg Foundation has provided funding for a number of programs incubated and sponsored under Fusion Partnerships, Inc.
Laurie Bezold
Fusion Partnerships, Inc.
1601 Guilford Avenue, 2 South
Baltimore, MD 21202
Mandala Enterprise Corporation
We are members of the Grassroots Criminal Justice Advocates Network, The Correctional Round Table, the MSBA Correctional Reform Section Council, we work closely with the Justice Policy Institute, and the ACLU Baltimore Legislative Department.
We are affiliated with: Safe & Sound, Case Maryland, Fusion Partnerships, Inc., (MRJI fiscal sponsor) Maryland CURE, Morgan State University Dept. of Social Work, The Sentencing Project, and Community Conferencing.
Walter Lomax, President,
Mandala Enterprise Corporation,
1111 Park Avenue, Suite 151
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Phase IV: Legislative Advocacy
Phase IV is the legislative advocacy work following the first three events. We drafted a Senate Bill – Senate Bill 900 – that was introduced to the Senate Judiciary Committee. The method we used to carry out Phase IV began with us putting together packages of information to present to the Senate and House committees that would eventually hear the bill. Some of the information contained in the packages was profiles of three individuals serving parole eligible life sentences who were in the work release and family leave programs. (We also presented testimony on three individuals released who served life sentences.) Senator Nathaniel McFadden introduced the bill, SB-900 in February. On March 13 Ms. Burnett, Ms. Lea, Ms. Morrow, and I went to Annapolis and delivered these packages to each Senate and House committee office. In some cases we were able to speak with a Senator or Delegate.
We went to Annapolis Monday March 23, for a Rally and information briefing, We were back in Annapolis on Wednesday March 25, for SB-900’s hearing. Senator McFadden introduced the bill, and Former Delegate Clarence ‘Tiger’ Davis testified in support of it. Ms. Burnett, Ms. Lea, Ms. Morrow, and I represented MRJI. Ms. Mary Brown-Bey and Mr. Michael Austin testified to their successful transition back into society since their release from prison, and why there is no reason to believe that others can not do the same. A number of others testified in favor of the legislation.Phase IV Historical Documents
Phase III: Town Hall Meeting
Phase III of the Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative’s four phases was a Town Hall Meeting that took place on January, 10, 2009, at Morgan State University, Student Center Ball Room, The program began with registration at 9:00 AM and closed at 3:00 PM. We again partnered with Dr. Anna McPhatter and the Social Work Department at Morgan State for this event. The objective was to consolidate the support system, inform family members, friends and the general public of pending legislation in the up coming general assembly session, and discuss the issues of long-term incarceration on family members. We concluded Phase III January 10, 2008 with a measure of success, and have collected over 300 hundred family members, friends, and supporters for our database.
Phase II
The purpose of Phase II of our initiative, in conjunction with Morgan State University’s Department of Social Work, was to convene family members and friends, the general public, and other interested organizations for an all day conference. This conference was held on Saturday September 20. 2008 from 8:30 am-3 pm at Morgan State University in the Murphy Fine Arts Center. During that event, we presented our legislative and policy ideas, registered new voters, conducted a voter initiative for family members and friends to learn how to vote for their incarcerated loved ones, and develop a database of supporters and family members for our legislative initiative as we move into the 2009 Legislative session. Approximately 75-80 people attended the conference throughout the day, not as many family members and friends as we had hoped, but we were effective in getting our message out, and from the response we received, it will be carried long and far. Twelve volunteers signed up to assist us with the database, filing, and answering letters offering their full and continued support.Phase II Historical Documents
Walter Lomax - Featured Profile on "Audacious Ideas"
Mandala Enterprise Corporation Director, Walter Lomax has a featured profile on the OSI Audacious Ideas blog. Look soon for his blog post.
Letters- September 2011
Ms. Dagmar Jensen 915-094
P.O. Box 535 MCI-W
Jessup, Maryland 20794
Mr. Robert Watson #120-595
13800 McMullen Hwy WCI- S/W
Cumberland, Maryland 21502
Mr. Richard X. Preston #165-229
30420 Revells Neck Road ECI
Westover, Maryland 21890
Mr. Wayne Brewton 151-336
30420 Revells Neck Road ECI
Westover, Maryland 21890
Mr. Dennis Wise #142-767
Arizona State Prison Complex Yuma
Unit Cheyenne 9C03
P.O. Box 8939
San Luis, Arizona 85349
Mr. Glen Watkins 141-709
P.O. Box 534 JCI
Jessup, Maryland 20794
Mr. Kareem Hasan #139-540
Aka Karl D. Brown
P.O. Box 534 JCI
Jessup, Maryland 20794
Mr. Douglas A. Wiley #152-622
P.O. Box 534 JCI
Jessup, Maryland 20794
Ms. Etta Myers #902-158
P.O. Box 535 MCI-W
Jessup, Maryland 20794
Mr. Robert Stewart #163-247
18701 Roxbury Road RCI
Hagerstown, Maryland 21746
Mr. Ralph Edward Wilkins #337-338
18701 Roxbury Road RCI
Hagerstown, Maryland 21746
Mr. Jermaine Holt #223-114
14100 McMullen Hwy NBCI
Cumberland, Maryland 21502
Mr. Karriem Saleem El-Amin #119-403
P.O. Box 700
Jessup, Maryland 20794
Mr. Robert Martin #142-234
30420 Revells Neck Road ECI
Westover, Maryland 21890
Mr. Melvin B. Coley #273-681
P.O. Box 549 MCIJ
Jessup, Maryland 20794
Mr. Robert Watson #120-595
13800 McMullen Hwy WCI- S/W
Cumberland, Maryland 21502
Mr. Charles K. Hopkins #124-403
14100 McMullen Hwy NBCI
Cumberland, Maryland 21502
Mr. Tony Montague #207-774
14100 McMullen Hwy NBCI
Cumberland, Maryland 21502
Speaking Engagements
2014May 5, 2014 Spoke to class at Towson University
January 18, 2012 Spoke at RCI Life for Lifers Awards Ceremony.
2012January 7, 2012 Spoke at a Town Hall meeting with family members, friends, and members of the community.2011January 13, 2011 Spoke to I-WISH group at MCI-W,
January 20, 2011 Spoke at a Banquet at RCI.
February 7, 2011 we appeared on the Dan Roderick radio program (WYPR) along with former Delegate Clarence (Tiger) Davis; with Tracy Velazquez, Executive Director, Justice Policy Institute on conference call to discuss our work and pending legislation.
April 4, 2011 JPI, MRJI along with former Delegate Davis appeared on the Marc Steiner radio program WEAA to discuss SB-172 & HB-302. In April 2011 HB-302, the companion bill to SB-172 finally passed with amendments’ giving any setting Governor 180 days to either deny, approve, or take no action, in a parole recommendation, in which case the parole decision becomes effective.
May 2011 spoke at a lifer’s meeting at MCI-
June 10, 2011 Spoke at Lifers meeting MCI-J
June 25, 2011 spoke at the Islamic Community hosted by Earl Alamin, and Dr. Water Gill.
July 8, 2011 spoke to an AVP graduation at JCI
August 11, 2011 Spoke to I-WISH group MCI-W
October 11, 2011 spoke at a ‘Life Skill’s youth program session, hosted by Adrian Muldrow of Divine Minds..
October 14, 2011 spoke to lifers group MCI-J
October19, 2011 spoke to Lifers group at RCI
October 29, 2011 Spoke at Coppin State University to Professor Brenda Shell’s Criminology class.2010Spoke at Coppin State University youth group Mentoring Male Teens 9/25/10
December 3, 2010: Spoke at MCI-H Lifers group
Power Point presentation at Phase III, MRJI, January 10, 2009
Spoke at John Hopkins Panel Discussion, Police training, Colonel John Skinner, Chief of Patrol, Baltimore City Police Department. January 27, 2009
Spoke at Hyattsville Library, Outside Connections, Prisoners Awareness Day, March 17, 2009
Spoke at Annapolis Rally for SB-900 March 23, 2009
Testified at SB-900 hearing March 25, 2009
Spoke at Coppin State University’s Annual Criminal Justice Symposium April 9, 2009
Appeared on Radio One, Mecca’s Place two way talk program April 17, 2009
Spoke at Liberty Rec. Center for ‘To Reach Back,” for Mary Brown-Bey, May 9, 2009
Met with Secretary of Public Safety Gary Maynard, and OSI May 13, 2009
Spoke at OSI Luncheon with George Soros May 18, 2009.
Key Note Speaker at MCI-H Lifer's group in Hagerstown, Maryland August 5, 2009
Spoke at Baltimore Music Festival August 8th 2009
Spoke at Sojourner Douglas Social Work class September 30, 2009
Spoke at 8th Annual National Prisoner Reentry Conference, October 15, 2009
Spoke at Life for Lifer’s group RCI Hagerstown October 29, 2009
Split this Rock Festival, Writing down the Walls, Washington DC March 21, 2008
Spoke at ‘The Coffee Shop’, Regeneration 5th Program, April 7, 2008
Spoke at Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative Phase I May 14, 2008
Spoke at Justice or Just Us forum Providence RI, May 17, 2008
WYPR Radio interview with Dan Rodricks May 19, 2008
WYPR Radio interview with Dan Rodrick June 12, 2008
Spoke at C2A (A Call to Action) June 15, 2008
Spoke at Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative Phase II September 20, 2008
Spoke at OSI forum on prison reform along with Dr. James Austin, President of JFA Institute, November 13, 2008
Spoke at press conference in Annapolis to abolish the death penalty (January 25, 2007)
Was to speak at Eager Street Academy to Juvenal’s who had been waved into the adult criminal justice system. (February 16, 2007) Event was canceled because of a show storm, and had to be rescheduled.
Spoke at Grace Memorial Baptist Church rally to abolish the death penalty. May 2007
Spoke at Maryland Institute College of Art, (Brown Center) rally to free a political prisoner. (February 24, 2007)
Spoke at P.G. County Community College, panel discussion on the death penalty March 14, 2007
Spoke at Benjamin Banneker Community center in Catonsville at meeting with Presidents from Maryland NAACP chapters, death penalty issue March 17, 2007
Spoke at Towson State University presentation on my writings, and life story in general April 10, 2007
Spoke at Senators Lisa Gladdens fund raiser in Mount Washington May 16, 2007
Spoke at Nassau Presbyterian Church, (Presbyterian Church U.S.A) 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey, May 19th 2007.
Spoke at panel discussion. Issues: Death penalty, Drug policies, Murder rate, and Prison conditions. St John’s United Methodist Church, 2640 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Md. June 6, 2007
Was Keynote Speaker at Eager Street Academy, School #370. The presentation was to Juveniles who have been waived into the criminal adult justice system. June 8, 2007
Received letter of appreciation from Dr. James Scofield, Principal at Eager Street Academy School #370 for June 8, 07 motivational speech, at the Academy. June 14, 2007, at their end of year banquet at the Forum off Reisterstown Road.
Spoke at rally for Zero Murder Rate sponsored by Solvivaz Nation, at Greenmount Ave. square across from Greenmount Ave. Rec. Center. June 30, 2007
Spoke at Sojourner Douglass College ( Annapolis branch, Carl Snowden’s class) August 8, 2007 concerning the Prison system and racism in America.
Appeared at Center Stage, Stoop storytelling Series, September 24, 2007. Seven people get seven minutes to tell a story. My story dealt with the transformation of the mind.
Spoke at Kenwood High School, Essex Maryland October 3, 2007.
Presentation at the American Friends Service Committee on prison life in Philadelphia Pa. December 14, 2007
Spoke at Parkville church on Death penalty November 17, 2007
Presentation at Eager Street Academy to juveniles waved into the criminal adult justice system. Topics: Responsibility, Goals, Habilitation, Jails, Gangs, Education, and Black on Black crime. November 30, 2007.
Spoke at Enon Baptist Church for the 23rd annual concert of ‘Equinox at Winter.’ December 15, 2007
Mandala Enterprise Corporation is a conglomerate of projects and programs. Youth program, Life skills program, speaking engagements, book sales (Mandela Conquers the Cut), and other projects are all under its umbrella.
Youth Program
Week One:
Everyone attends this meeting together. Caregivers and youths.Material needed. Hand outs.
Counselors: folders, writing pads, pen & pencils.
Caregivers & Youths: Contracts, consent forms, pre test forms, etc.
The Aim is to provide the individuals with good information so that they will be able to make good decisions.
The goal is to educate the youth, and teach them self respect, self awareness, and self identify.
The objective is to habilitate the youth so that they will be qualified to meet whatever demands society requires to become successful.Week Two:
Material needed.Charts and, or black board, to write on.
The demonstration is to explain how knowledge, understanding, application, and wisdom are connected.Week Three:
This meeting is basically the taking of notes by the counselors, and open dialogue between the youth themselves, with the counselors making sure that the youths are fully participating in the program.Week Four:
Youths hand outs;
Spiral note books, pens and, or pencils, if possible a folder to keep their assigned material in.Material to read, from selected books.
The youth will be given the assignment of establishing goals: They will be asked to establish immediate goals, short term goals, and long term goals.Week Five:
Counselor hand outs;Charts and, or black boards.
They will out line how to achieve objectives. i.e., what does the individual want to do? Can he/or she get paid a living wage for doing it? Are they skilled enough to make a living doing it? If they need training, what steps are they going to take to get it? And, is it realistic?
Week Six:
Guest Speakers: Successful business person, and some one who develops business plans. (If no guest speakers are available, show Will Smith’s documentary?)Weeks Seven:
Hand outs:
Counselor hand outs:
Questions to ask:
Have they established their goals and objective?
What steps are they taking to achieve them?
Have they thought them through?(Relate back to week five. i.e., how to develop objectives.
Week Eight:
Go over first eight weeks, and explain how the last four week will be conducted.
Filed trip, if possible. (B.C.D. C, or Detention Center.)Week Nine:
Caregivers and youths are meeting together for the first time in open discussion.
This is the first stage of establishing family re-socialization. Open dialogue.Week Ten:
This meeting should confirm the realistic and obtainable goals of the youths, and the caregivers acceptance and commitment of supporting it. It should also cover what is traditionally considered the deal family, i.e., Bill Crosby and the Huxstables, as opposed to the Everyone Hates Chris. Non-traditional families should also be discussed; single family, both female and male. Foster parents, etc.Week Eleven:
This week should confirm the youth’s commitment of achieving their objectives. It should also confirm the caregiver’s commitment of supporting the youth’s efforts.Week Twelve:
Consolidating the process by bringing it all together. The Director and Counselors should have enough information to put each youth with the required agencies necessary to achieve his/her goals and objectives.
Book Sales
Mandela Conquers the Cut: Essays from Prison
Walter Mandela Lomax served 39 years in the now-closed, violent Maryland State Penitentiary (nicknamed The Cut) for a crime he did not commit. Lomax wrote extensively poetry, fiction, essays and eventually became the editor of the prisons monthly magazine, The Conqueror. Collecting several of Lomax's essays from his seven-year editorship Monster in the Maryland State Penitentiary, his earliest (1972) extant work, a number of short essays from 2004/05 and other later reflections on his experiences following his release in 2006. The pieces show a thoughtful seriousness for his and others who find themselves members of these communities, situation and predicaments.
Blocking the Exit - Film
The Justice Policy Institute, alongside the Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative, created "Blocking the Exit" to better understand the profound impact that requiring Governor approval of parole for lifers has had in Maryland. The documentary features victims, current and former legislatures, formerly incarcerated people, former corrections officials, and family of those currently affected by this broken system.
Zoul Zurvivor - movie trailer
Posted by Walter Lomax · January 27, 2012 3:02 PM · 2 reactionsJoin the movement to end life without parole sentences for youth
Posted by Marjorie Roswell · January 19, 2012 4:05 PM · 2 reactionsReckless Indifference - Trailer
Posted by Marjorie Roswell · January 19, 2012 4:04 PM · 2 reactions
Technical Advisor
- Retired Delegate
- Clarence T. Davis.
- Tiger Associates LLC
- Baltimore Safe & Sound
- Case Maryland
- Fusion Partnerships, Inc.
- Justice Policy Institute
- Maryland CURE
- Morgan State University
- Dept. of Social Work
- ACLU Baltimore Legislative Department
- Community Conferencing
- Correctional Round-Table
- Families Against Mandatory Minimums, Baltimore Chapter
- Grassroots Criminal Justice Advocates Network
- MSBA Correctional Reform Section
- The Sentencing Project